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Are Jake And Vienna Still Together? What Did They Say About Their Split?


Jake Pavelka rose to prominence in 2010 when he was introduced as the lead on season 14 of The Bachelor. Jake Pavelka has a few media appearances after The Bachelor, including a cameo account to communicate with fans while sharing his entire reality television experience.

Jake had a small reunion with The Bachelor family when he saw a handful of celebs in Las Vegas for the unveiling of a slot machine. After a prominent romance with Vienna Girardi, Jake Pavelka remained mainly out of the spotlight.

As Jake chose Vienna Girardi at the end of the season, their narrative had a happy ending. Later, the couple once again made headlines, but things did not quite go as planned! What occurred? Are jake and Vienna still together?

Are Jake And Vienna Still Together?

Jake and Vienna are separated. Jake Pavelka, who was introduced as a pilot from Denton, Texas, began his fairy tale romance when he selected Girardi over Tenley Molzahn, the other candidate.

Vienna Girardi was similarly ecstatic about the relationship as she gushed over Pavelka, proclaiming that he is the man she has always desired and comparing the relationship to a fairy tale she believed she would never experience.

However, it appears that the romance was short-lived since the couple had a harsh breakup only a few months later. As they parted ways shortly after the conclusion of the event, Vienna referred to Pavelka as a “famous w***e”

Are Jake And Vienna Still Together

She was so moved by the experience that she decided to share her side of the tale with her fans. Jake Pavelka quickly answered and disclosed that Girardi frequently stopped him when he spoke and that she perceived every error he made.

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Girardi remarked that Jake requires a woman he can manage, noting that he requires a flawless lady who says nothing and does everything and referring to Pavelka as a child.

Where is Jake Pavelka These Days?

Jake Pavelka found love on season 14 of The Bachelor in 2010, however, the relationship did not work out, as the couple broke up a few months after the show’s conclusion.

Jake Pavelka remained in the television industry as he eventually competed for season two of Bachelor Pad for a second chance to find love and a reward, but he was unfortunately ousted early on in the competition.

Are Jake And Vienna Still Together

Later, Jake participated in a culinary-themed reality show titled Famous Food, which had celebrities launching restaurants in Hollywood while a team of judges determined who had what it required to remain in the business.

Jake also appeared on the reality television programs H8R and Rachael vs. Guy: Celebrity Cook-Off. Jake’s portrayal of Jeff in Burning Love, which was a satire of The Bachelor franchise, revealed her comic side.

What Did Jake and Vienna Say About Their Split?

Jake Pavelka’s assertion that their relationship had become tumultuous despite the fact that he had not yet thrown in the towel appears to have made the post-split drama even worse.

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Vienna Girardi also shared her side of the tale, stating that after a month, the situation turned sour, and life at home became quite lonely. She acknowledged that all she wanted was for him to be around her, talk to her, and kiss her like in a typical relationship.

Are Jake And Vienna Still Together

Vienna continued by stating that she believed Jake was a pilot and that they would return to Dallas to live a regular life. Girardi also claimed that Jake’s participation in Dancing With the Stars had a negative impact on their relationship because he never recognized Vienna.

Jake quickly refuted these claims by stating that they were never together, ever, and that Vienna was delighted because he placed her on television.

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