Tokyo Revengers Season 3: The anime series combines action, drama, and the supernatural in a stunning animated package. The first season of the TV show premiered in 2021, and it followed Takemichi Hanagaki as he traveled back in time to prevent his girlfriend’s murder.
He had to work his way up the Tokyo Manji Gang, proving his abilities and learning skills along the way, in order to be successful.
Season 2 of Tokyo Revengers is now running and continues the plot after it was left on a dramatic cliffhanger. But what happens after the new season of the anime drama series concludes? What is the release date for Tokyo Revengers Season 3 and what else do we know?
When Will Tokyo Revengers Season 3 Come Out?
Officially, we don’t know when season 3 of Tokyo Revengers will come out. But the time between the last two seasons gives a good idea of when it might be canceled. The first season of Tokyo Revenger came out at the end of 2021.
But the second season began in early 2023. When the first two seasons came out, there was only a year between them. If that pattern continues, the third season should come out around the middle of 2024.
What Could Be the Plot of Tokyo Revengers Season 3?
Based on what has been shown from the manga in seasons 1 and 2, we have a pretty good idea of what will happen in season 3. Since Tokyo Revengers season 2 will cover the Black Dragon/Christmas Showdown arc from the manga, it looks like Tokyo Revengers season 3 will focus on the Tenjiku arc.
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Maybe even the Final arc as well, depending on how quickly the show moves through the story. That means that if Tokyo Revengers keeps going in the same direction as the manga, season 3 might be the last one. But at the moment, that’s just a guess.
Who Will Appear in the Cast of Tokyo Revengers Season 3?
The cast for Tokyo Revengers season 3 will be heavily influenced by what happens (and who survives) by the end of Tokyo Revengers season 2, which is currently airing at the time of writing. Tokyo Revengers brought some new faces – and voices – to the cast, some of whom may return for season 3 events.
Junya Enoki plays Inui Seisyu, Natsuki Hanaeas plays Kokonoi Hajime, and Tasuku Hatanaka plays Hakkai Shiba, with Masaya Fukunishi taking over for Tatsuhisa Suzuki as Draken’s voice. In addition to them, Yuuki Shin, Azumi Waki, Ryota Osaka, and Yuu Hayashi are likely to return if their characters survive the new season.
How Many Episodes Will Tokyo Revengers Season 3 Have?
The highly anticipated second season of the critically praised show “Tokyo Revengers” may feature between 13 episodes, according to sources. This is welcome news for supporters who were concerned that the next season will be cut short owing to budget restrictions. Tokyo Revengers’ creators are going above and above to ensure that they produce an action-packed, high-stakes plot loaded with intense plot twists and turns.
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Is There a Trailer for Tokyo Revengers Season 3?
Right now, the official trailer of Tokyo Revengers Season 3 is yet to be released. Until then, you can check the trailer for Season 2 below:
How to Watch the Third Season of Tokyo Revengers?
Tokyo Revengers season 2 came out internationally on Disney Plus, and you can expect Tokyo Revengers season 2 to come out the same way. You can still watch the first season of Tokyo Revengers on Crunchyroll.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where Can I Watch Tokyo Revengers?
Crunchyroll is where you can watch Tokyo Revengers.
How Many Episodes Are There in the Anime’s First Season?
Season 1 of the anime has 24 episodes.
Will Tokyo Revengers Get Renewed for a Third Season?
It is unknown whether Tokyo Revengers will receive a third season.
What is the Length of Each Anime Episode?
Each episode of the anime lasts between 22 and 24 minutes.
Who is the Writer of Tokyo Revengers?
Tokyo Revengers was written by Ken Wakui.