Lycoris Recoil is a Japanese anime television series that is created by Spider Lily and Asaura. Lycoris Recoil was produced by A-1 Pictures and commenced airing from July to September 2022.
Fans of Lycoris Recoil have been eager to find out the date of the anticipated anime series. This article would cover the release date of Lycoris Recoil as well as the time and spoilers prediction.
Lycoris Recoil Season One
Lycoris Recoil made headlines because of its unique story and chaotic girl action that flouted the rules of anime. Most fans believed that Chisato’s extraordinary story had ended after the first season series.
However, a second season is on the way, and are more than excited for the upcoming manga series after a wonderful first season.
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What Is Expected From Lycoris Recoil In Season 2?
Lycoris Recoil season one ended on a high note with Chisato’s highly anticipated clash with Majima on top of the Enkuboku Tower. China wanted to maintain its status quo, whereas Majima wanted to restore Japan’s balance.
Chisato and Majima’s clash was the focal point of the first season of Lycoris Recoil and it was an interesting one to see two kindred spirits share the kind of dynamic that isn’t usually seen between protagonist and antagonists. The announcement of Lycoris Recoil Season 2 will see fans expect to see more of Chisato and Takina as well as the others in Lyco-Reco Cafe for more actions.
There are also speculations that Majima is still alive and that there are still a lot of goons in Tokyo. The DA and Radiata are still very much around the new season and are sure to be one to remember. Lycoris Recoil season 2 is expected to be more visually impressive than season 1 with smooth-flowing fight scenes and an outstanding narrative.
When Is The Release Date Of Lycoris Recoil Season 2?
The announcement of the second season of Lycoris Recoil was made officially on February 23, 2023, on Lycoris Recoil’s official Twitter account however, a release date has not been confirmed yet. Lycoris Recoil is an original anime that has no material to adapt, the second season could also arrive on any date.
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Lycoris Recoil Season 2 Characters And Cast
Lycoris Season 2 cast has not been announced yet but the Season 1 crew and cast are sure to make a return and retain their various role.
•Anzai Chika as Chisato Nishikigi
•Shiom Wakayama as Takina Inoue
•Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as Majima
•Module Sakaki as Mika
•Maki Kawaso as Fuki Harukawa
•Misaki Kuno as Kurumi
•Makoto Koichi as Sakura Otome
•Yoji Ueda as Shinjin Yoshimatsu
•Yoko Soumi as Kusunoki
•Yuki Sakakihara as Roboto
•Ami Koshimizu as Mizuka Nakahara
What Studio Will Be Used For Lycoris Recoil Season 2?
Lycoris Recoil Season 2 studio has not been confirmed yet. However, A-1 animated Coris Recoil Season 1 and will as well be the studio for Season 2. A-1 Pictures is well-known for animating some of the most well-known anime series.
A-1 Pictures is responsible for titles such as Sword Art Online, Erased, The Seven Deadly Sins, and Your Lie in April.