How Is Artificial Intelligence Used In Education? Teachers, psychologists, and parents are still arguing about how much screen time children should have. However, a new technology called artificial intelligence and machine learning is starting to change the tools and institutions used in education and how the future of education might look.
The Artificial Intelligence Market in the US Education Sector study predicts that artificial intelligence in U.S. education will grow by 47.5% from 2017 to 2021. Even though most experts agree that teachers are important and can’t be replaced, their jobs and the best ways to teach will change in many ways.
Teacher and AI Collaboration!
AI has already been used in education, mostly in tools that help students learn new skills and systems for testing. As AI educational solutions continue to get better, the hope is that AI can help fill gaps in learning and teaching and let schools and teachers do more than ever before.
AI can help with efficiency, personalizing, and streamlining administrative tasks. This gives teachers the time and freedom to help students understand and adapt, which are skills machines would have trouble with.
The goal of AI in education is to get the best results for kids by combining the best parts of both tools and teachers. Since today’s kids will have to work in a world where AI is common, it’s important that they learn about and use the technology in school.
Differentiated and Individualized Learning!
Educators have been trying for years to make learning fit the needs of each student, but AI will make it possible to do this in a way that is impossible for teachers who have 30 students in each class.
Several companies, like Content Technologies and Carnegie Learning, are working on intelligent instruction design and digital platforms that use AI to help students from pre-K to college learn, test, and get feedback.
These platforms give students the challenges they are ready for, find knowledge gaps, and switch to new topics when necessary. As AI gets better, it might be possible for a machine to be able to tell from a student’s face that they are having trouble understanding a subject and then change the lesson to help them.
The idea of making lessons fit the needs of each student is not possible right now, but AI-powered tools will make it possible.
Universal Access for All Students!
Tools based on artificial intelligence can help make global classes accessible to everyone, even if they speak a different language or have trouble seeing or hearing. Presentation Translator is a free add-on for PowerPoint that translates what the teacher says into subtitles in real-time.
This also gives students who can’t go to school because they are sick or who need to learn at a different level or about a subject that isn’t taught at their own school more options. AI can help break down the walls between schools and between grades.
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Automate Administrative Tasks!
Grading projects and tests takes up a lot of time for a teacher. AI can help with these jobs and get them done quickly.
It can also give suggestions on how to close the gaps in learning. Machines can already grade multiple-choice tests, and they are getting close to being able to do the same with written answers.
As AI takes over administrative chores, teachers will have more time to spend with each student. AI has a lot of promise to make registration and admissions systems work better. Stay tuned with Crossover99 for more AI-related news and Updates.
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