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Bg-Mamma.Com Traffic Analytics & Market Share is a website that provides traffic analytics and market share data for the Bulgarian online market. The website is operated by Mamma Media Group, a company that specializes in online advertising and marketing. The website provides detailed information on the top 10 websites in Bulgaria, as well as the top 50 websites in terms of traffic. It also includes data on the market share of each website, and the average time spent on each site. This information is valuable for businesses that are looking to enter the Bulgarian online market, or for businesses that are already operating in Bulgaria but want to improve their market share.

Traffic Statistics

IATA - Monthly Traffic Statistics has some of the highest traffic statistics in the online world. With over 2.5 million unique visitors and 20 million pageviews per month, it is one of the most popular websites on the internet.

The website’s popularity is due to its high quality content and user-friendly interface. offers a wide range of articles on various topics, including parenting, health, relationships, and more.

In addition to its large number of unique visitors, also has a very active social media presence. The website has over 1 million followers on Facebook and Twitter combined.’s traffic statistics are impressive, but they are even more impressive when you consider the fact that the website is only five years old. In just a short period of time, has become one of the most popular websites in the world.

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Market Share

Market Share - Meaning, Importance, Types & Example | MBA Skool has a traffic rank of 7,856 in the world and is ranked 5,526 in the United States. It has a bounce rate of about 35% and an average time on site of around three minutes. Based on these statistics, it can be estimated that receives around eighty-eight thousand unique visitors per month.

In terms of market share, is currently the fiftieth most popular website in the United States and the two hundred and fortieth most popular website in the world. Although its market share is small compared to some of the other websites in its category, it is still an important player in the online parenting space.

Also Read: Traffic Analytics & Market Share for Bing.Com


How to Research Your eCommerce Competitors for a Competitive Analysis

In order to better understand the traffic patterns and market share of, it is important to first understand its competitors. Here are some of the most popular websites in Bulgaria that offer similar content:

-Balkanika TV: This website offers tv shows and movies from the Balkans region. It is the most popular website in Bulgaria with over 4 million unique visitors per month.

-Dnevnik: This website is a leading online news source in Bulgaria. It has over 3 million unique visitors per month.

– 24chasa: This website is another leading online news source in Bulgaria. It has over 2 million unique visitors per month.

– Nova TV: This website offers tv shows and movies from Bulgaria and other countries. It has over 1 million unique visitors per month.


The website has seen a lot of traffic over the past year, and it continues to grow in popularity. It is now one of the most popular websites in the world, and its market share is steadily increasing. Thanks to its user-friendly design and wealth of useful content, is an essential resource for anyone interested in pregnancy and parenting.

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