Shrinking is an Apple TV+ Original comedy-drama series created by Jason Segel, Brett Goldstein, and Bill Lawrence. It follows Segel as therapist Jimmy, who attempts to be a good father to his adolescent daughter Alice (Lukita Maxwell) and help clients like Sean (Luke Tennie)—despite the fact that sadness over his wife’s recent death has not made him particularly successful at either.
Jimmy is barely surviving these days, despite the help of his neighbor Liz (Christa Miller), closest friend Brian (Michael Urie), and colleagues Paul (Harrison Ford) and Gaby (Jessica Williams). He finally vents his rage on a client one day. But when Jimmy’s outburst turns out to be for the best, he has to wonder.
What if he began pressuring his clients to do what was best for them? If you’re a fan of this comedic drama, you might be wondering when the next episode will be available. Here’s all you need to know about Shrinking Season 1 Episode 5, including the date, time, and where to watch it.
When Will Shrinking Episode 5 Be Released?
Season 1 Episode 5 will be available on Apple TV+ on Friday, February 17th, 2023. The time of release is 12 a.m. PT. The fifth episode, titled “Woof,” will run for 29 minutes.
Shrinking Episode 4: Recap
Jimmy’s (Jason Segel) unconventional counseling methods are beginning to backfire on him. Patients are rejecting his advice, refusing to cooperate, or, worse, making inappropriate approaches toward him. It’s a complete disaster in his career life, and it’s also affecting his personal life.
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“Potatoes” depicts Jimmy on the verge of a breakdown as he lashes out at long-time neighbor and friend Liz (Christa Miller). This chapter is the best yet, a heartwarming and amusing slice of life that will brighten your day.
Shrinking Episode 5: Plot Prediction
Jimmy will be unable to keep this information to himself. He’ll have to face Alice about her crush on Sean. This will further aggravate their relationship and make Alice even more resentful of Jimmy. It may possibly deepen her feelings for Sean. She might approach him.
Jimmy’s patients are suffering as a result of their therapist’s poor choices and excessive participation. Something needs to change since his unethical behavior is impacting their mental health. Jimmy needs to calm down or he’ll make things much worse.
More drama and upheaval are on the way, I believe. Liz and Gaby will begin to spend more time together, and Liz will offer dating advice to Gaby. Paul will try to get some time off work to visit Meg. But I believe he may alter his mind at the last minute.
How Many Episodes Will There Be in Shrinking?
The first season of Shrinking will have 10 episodes. In the first week of the show, two episodes came out. Now, one episode comes out every week, so there will be 6 more episodes after this one.
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Where Can I Watch the Movie Shrinking?
You can stream the movie “Shrinking” on Apple TV+. This is an exclusive original series, which means that you can only watch it on this site.
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