Bling Empire is a Netflix original series that premiered on January 15, 2021. The show follows the lives of wealthy East Asian and East Asian-American socialites in the Los Angeles area, who are referred to as “real-life Crazy Rich Asians.” It is the first American reality television series with an all-East Asian cast. Netflix renewed the series for a second season on March 10, 2021, which premiered on May 13, 2022.
Season 2 of Bling Empire’s Cast
Cherie Chan
Christine Chiu
Kevin Kreider is an American hockey player.
Kane Lim, Kim Lee
Anna Shay Mi Li Kelly
Xie Jaime
Lee Jessey (promoted to the main cast)
Gabriel Chiu is a Chinese actor.
Guy Tang
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Is Kevin Kreider from ‘bling Empire’ Now Dating Kim Lee?
Bling Empire season 2 spoilers ahead. We observed glimpses of chemistry between Kevin Kreider and Kim Lee in the first season of Bling Empire, but Kevin was interested in another Bling Empire cast member at the time, Kelly Mi Li. The second season begins with glimpses of Kevin and Kim, the cool-girl DJ Kevin loathed at the start of the series.
(“When we first met, I loathed her,” he told EW.) “I couldn’t bear her at all.”) Kevin and Kim’s flirtation becomes a major plot point in season two. There are no spoilers here, but it’s evident from the trailer that things between the two aren’t always easy: “I hate it when people lie to me,” Kim tells Kevin, and in another scene, Kevin yells angrily at Kane, “You had to tell her?” probably referring to Kim. “I’m going to have to get over the idea that Kevin dated all these girls,” Kim says.
Christine Chui told Fashionista that the second season would be shot in the summer of 2021, which is less than a year away. That means Kim and Kevin are over a year removed from the (very) tumultuous finish of season two—no spoilers here, but the castmates have had plenty of time to patch things up and/or drift apart since the second season was recorded.
“This season has been stunning,” Kim said to ET Canada. “It was quite heated,” she stated when questioned about her connection with Kevin.
“It’s a hurricane, it’s rainy, it’s chaotic,” Kevin added, “but…you have them in the world?”
Kim laughed. “Whatever that means.”
One thing is certain: these two were flirtatious as heck during the filming of season two. She joked to E! in January, only months before season two began filming in May “There’s enough of flirtation going on. Kevin has been calling me on a daily basis.” Kreider jumped in to say: “No! Every day, you call me. If I don’t call or text her back soon away, she becomes really upset.”
What Happens in Season 2 of Bling Empire?
Bling Empire follows the extravagant lives of a group of wealthy Los Angeles buddies.
Behind the gloss and glamour of their opulent lifestyles, which include attending the most prestigious events in the most expensive attire, there is an infinite amount of drama.
Season one saw Chèrie Chan and Jessey Lee get engaged, while Kelly Mi Li and Andrew Gray ended theirs.
So, as we catch up on where the Bling Empire cast is currently in Season 2, we can expect more intense conflict.
“Los Angeles’ favorite uber-rich Asians are back with even more luxury, beauty, and craziness,” according to a Netflix official blurb.
This season, a romance between Kevin and Kim blooms, Cherie and Jessey’s relationship is called into doubt, and Kane and Kevin’s best buddy friendship is put to the test. Meanwhile, Beverly Hills’ rivaling queens, Christine and Anna, put a fresh spin on social warfare. But despite it all, the love these friends have for one another…and, of course, great style”
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