Revenge of Others is a South Korean drama series that is currently airing. Studio S created this series. The plot of this drama follows a teen revenge thriller in which Chan-mi, who seeks the truth about her twin brother’s death, and Soo-heon, who seeks vengeance against an unjust world, become involved in a shocking incident that shakes her life.
The search for Revenge of Others Season 2 has increased because the first season of this drama series was a huge hit with audiences, and as a result, its fans want to know when the next season of this Korean Drama will be released.
That is why we have decided to bring you this guide about the upcoming Revenge of Others Season 2 release date, returning casts, renewal update, and other relevant information. Let’s check out its release date without any delay.
Has Revenge of Others Been Renewed for Season 2?
At the time of writing, Revenge of Others has not been renewed for a second season. Given the nature of the show’s content, that could well change if it does good numbers for Disney.
Generally, Disney, along with other streamers, gauge numerous metrics before renewing a show, including how many people initially watch it and then looking at the drop-off rate. With some shows, cancellations or renewals happen quickly. Other times, it can take months before Disney actually makes a decision over a show’s future.
When Will Revenge of Others Season 2 Be Released?
The first season consisted of only 12 episodes, which began streaming on November 9th, 2022. However, based on the show’s success, a second season may not be a continuation of the same story, and developing a new storyline may take a long time, so we can conclude that even if a second season occurs, it will not be before 2024. We will have to wait for any further updates until the creators make an announcement. The release date for Revenge Of Others Season 2 has not been announced.
What is the Plot of Revenge of Others Season 2?
We don’t have anything for the story of the show’s second season because there hasn’t been any confirmation, and thus there are no chances of any leaks. Following that, even if a second season of the show is produced, it may not be a continuation of the first story because the storyline has already shown the fans a satisfactory conclusion and they will not want to ruin it by extending the show any further.
Thus, if a second season is made, there will be new characters and a new storyline, and even though the story will be about school bullying, we can expect it to be on a much higher level.
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Main Casts of Revenge of Others
- Shin Ye-eun as Ok Chan-mi
- Lomon as Ji Soo-heon
- Seo Ji-hoon as Seok Jae-beom
- Chae Sang-woo as Gi Oh-Seong
- Lee Soo-min as Kuk Ji-Hyeon
- Jung Soo-bin as Tae So-Yeon
- Kim Joo-ryoung as Jin So-Jeong
- Yeon-oh as Im Seung-woo
- Wooyeon as Hong Ah-jeong
- Kang Yeol as Ok Chan-kyu / Park Won-seok
- Jin Ho-eun as Sa Jung-kyung
- Kang Yi-seok as Kwon Se-jin
- Han Seung-bin as Min Seonha
- Moon Ye-jin as Park Na-rin
Is There a Trailer for Season 2 of Revenge of Others?
We still haven’t heard anything about the second season of the show, so there isn’t a trailer for it yet. The trailer for the first season can be seen on YouTube right now. Until then, you can check the trailer for Season 1 below:
Where Can You Watch Season 2 of Revenge of Other?
If there is a second season, it will be available on the Disney+ Hotstar platform, just like the first season.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will There Be a Second Season of the Revenge of Others?
No one has said for sure yet, but there is still a good chance that season 2 will happen.
How Many Seasons Are There of Revenge of Others?
There is only one season of revenge of others available right now.
How Many Episodes Are in the First Season of Revenge of Others?
There are only 12 episodes in the first season of the show.
How Many Episodes Will Season 2 of Revenge of Others Have?
Based on what we think, there will be 12 episodes, just like in the first season.
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