Meera Mithun was the wild card entry in the third season of Big Boss Tamil last year. She had previously caused a great deal of controversy by complaining about director Cheran at the Bigg Boss house. She was subsequently voted out from Big Boss and has been posting controversial remarks on social media ever since. It is noteworthy that she continues to claim herself to be a supermodel
Samyukta, who is competing in the fourth season of Bigg Boss, which started a week ago, said a few days ago that she has been in the modeling industry for many years but has never called herself a supermodel. And none of the doctors’ call themselves a super doctor, just as no engineer has ever called himself a super engineer. She asked how a model like that can become a supermodel.
Other contestants, including Sanam Shetty, laughed as they knew that Samyuktha was trolling Meera Mithun who refers to herself as a Supermodel.
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In this situation, Meera Mithun has retaliated at Samyuktha for talking about herself like this. Talking about it on Twitter, she said that she presented Samyukta with an award for ‘Best Smile of the year 2015’ at a ceremony a few years ago and has released a photo as proof of that.
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She wrote: “I was asked a question in live, here goes the answer. The picture proof when I awarded Samyukta as “Best Smile of the year 2015”.Obvious for a model like her to get jealous of a Successful Supermodel like me. Chennai trend is insult “Meera Mitun”,get attention.
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Truth Exposed.”
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