The Manga series Homunculus (Japanese:, Hepburn: Homunkurusu) written and illustrated by Hideo Yamamoto is a Japanese manga series. A total of fifteen tanks on volumes of the serialized chapters were published by Shogakukan’s seinen manga magazine Weekly Big Comic Spirits between March 2003 and February 2011.
Takashi Shimizu helmed the live-action film adaption, which starred G Ayano and was released in theatres in April 2021.
Susumu Nakoshi (Nakoshi Susumu)
G Ayano portrays this character in the film
A man in his mid-thirties, about to turn 35. He is portrayed to be recently homeless at the start of the season and to be living out of his car.
As a homeless person, he is caught between the two worlds. He’s a habitual liar and a former employee of a foreign bank. His ability to see people’s “distortions” or “homunculi” is enhanced after the trepanation surgery.
“Manabu Ito” means “man of the sea”
Ryu Ito plays the role.
Student of medicine at the University of Washington at the age of 22 who comes up with the idea for the trepanation experiment and does research into the accounts of Nakoshi. When his father, a high-ranking doctor at the hospital, is ill, he disguises his outlandish style by dressing in an extremely showy manner.
This is the year Yukari was born.
Nakoshi’s first encounter with a homunculus is with a 17-year-old burusera salon employee.
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What Does Nokoshi’s Third Eye Perceive in The Homunculus Ending?
Homunculus, a long-running manga story by Hideo Yamamoto, has been adapted by Netflix into a… bizarre television series. Although it’s awash in questionable decisions, shoddy visual effects, and diversions from its beloved source material, this film never quite succeeds in making the human story fascinating.
There is a lot going on here, so it’s worth going over the specifics like a crime scene to see if we can figure out what’s going on.
Susumu Nokoshi, a man who lives in his automobile for unknown reasons, is easily persuaded to let eccentric medical student Manabu Ito to drill a hole in his head by Ito.
To put it another way, trepanation has the potential to supposedly open a previously closed “third eye,” bestowing upon the practitioner newfound psychic abilities and the ability to perceive the mysterious, hideous homunculi of the title as the buried trauma of others.
We learn early on that Nokoshi isn’t simply down on his luck; he’s a walking amnesiac who has spent the majority of the movie piecing together other people’s stories in an attempt to better understand his own.
Nokoshi’s job as a spiritual healer for a Yakuza heavy and a schoolgirl (the latter of which is quite questionable, but this isn’t the place) is the film’s most enthusiastic use of its FX budget in these early scenes.
In the midst of it all, Nokoshi finds himself pulled repeatedly to a woman he believes to be his old girlfriend, who appears to him in a red costume but without a face. While everything is going on, the film itself is continuously returning to the same themes, particularly the question of whether the homunculi Nokoshi sees are genuine or the product of his own mind.
Nokoshi’s mental state is supposed to be made clear in the scene with the schoolgirl, where he mistakenly believes “helping” to be a grave violation, but the scene fails miserably to convey this point coherently.
This is left open to interpretation throughout the film, but it doesn’t really matter because it’s obvious that his ordeals have driven him somewhat insane.
He eventually learns that the mysterious faceless woman is not his ex-girlfriend, but the woman who killed her in a car accident—the same tragedy that injured him and caused him to lose his memory.. The journey will help Nokoshi come to terms with his unexpected skills and the past that his amnesia has shielded him from.
Seeing Ito’s watery homunculi for the first time, his fascination with his “experiment” is clearly rooted in daddy issues, thanks to this transparency. Homunculus closes with Ito, a helpless doppelganger of Nokoshi, still unable to help himself after he attempts to replicate Nokoshi’s trepanation on himself, which is one of the best-shot scenes in the film.
As a result of the stitched eye, Ito’s third eye is the only one he can see. I sincerely hope he enjoys what he sees, but I have my doubts that he will.
A person’s sixth sense, the ability to see ghosts, and the ability to control objects with one’s mind are all said to be enhanced by the technique of trepanation, which involves drilling holes in one’s head to increase blood circulation and improve the pressure inside one’s skull. Trepanation is the basis for this work of science fiction.
34-year-old Susumu Nakoshi is a homeless man who lives in his automobile. He’s refused to pitch a tent with the other homeless guys for the past two weeks, opting instead to sleep in his car. A strange-looking man approaches him one day, begging for volunteers to be subjected to trepanation.
His windshield flier is thrown away by Nakoshi, who instructs the man to go. The medical student agrees to perform the procedure in exchange for 700,000 yen when his car is towed. ESP and the sixth sense excite Itoh, and he wants to establish that the occult does not exist.
Itoh claims to be interested in trepanation for the sake of science. Because Itoh’s wealthy hospital director’s father owns a lab facility, Itoh’s father owns the institution. Nakoshi’s trepanation surgery is performed by Itoh, who conducts a number of ESP tests.
Upon learning that Nakoshi is seeing human distortions when he only uses his left side of the body, Itoh conducts a further investigation and realizes that Nakoshi is a homunculus.
After the yakuza event, Itoh teaches Nakoshi psychoanalytic theory.
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