Many new features for WhatsApp have been introduced in recent weeks and months. The software is regularly updated, and new features are added, all with the goal of providing a better experience for users.
WABetaInfo reports that WhatsApp is changing the location of the camera shortcut. In the most recent stable release of WhatsApp, the camera button can be found in the app’s upper left corner.
The WhatsApp Communities function is also still in the works. WhatsApp will offer a quick link to the communities section in place of the camera icon.
A move of the camera shortcut is mentioned in the report if the Communities option is enabled. WABetaInfo has released an image.
In this screenshot, you can see that the camera shortcut has been moved to the right of the app’s top search bar.
Clicking this button will start the user’s phone’s camera. WhatsApp is working on the update right now. Once the beta testing phase is complete, it can be released to users everywhere.
Instant Messaging Service Whats App Groups Soon to Enter
WhatsApp’s developers are hard at work on a new community feature that will add a whole new dimension to existing group chats.
To maximize efficiency, this innovative feature allows users to create as many as ten separate groups within their network.
According to the publication, the new feature will enable the grouping of up to 512 people for simultaneous communication. Users of WhatsApp have the option of creating smaller subgroups inside the larger community.
Unique to this community is the option for users to leave a specific group within the community without leaving the community as a whole.
At any point, the community’s administrator can choose to turn off access to it.
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In Group Chats, Users’ Profile Pictures Will Show Instead of Their Names.
WhatsApp is working on adding a new feature. After this change is made, users will be able to see a profile picture for every person in a group chat.
This is the latest beta version of WhatsApp for iOS, Everyone in the WhatsApp group will instantly have this feature turned on.
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