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Pure Villain Chapter 56 Release Date, Spoilers, Raw Scans, and How to Read!


Pure Villain Chapter 56 Release Date: Pure Villain is a manhwa that takes the standard “enemies-to-lovers” plot and gives it a new twist. Rosa Parks was just a normal high school girl who had more than her fair share of bad relationships. On top of that, someone tried to kill her at her school. She would have died that day without Han Dore-Yeong. Rosa Parks fell in love with Dore-Yeong because of this.

She chased after Dore-Yeong for a long time, but every time she got close enough to propose, something would happen to stop her. And on one of these occasions, she used her powers. Also, it was a rare duel awakening, which means she got two superpowers: superstrength and the ability to move. Each time Rosa failed, she changed her look by adding more gear.

What used to be a simple gas mask is now full-on battle gear. Rosa thinks this is fine. But the world sees her as a monster because she looks just like one. The Special Police Bureau gave her the name “Blackdog” and put her in the S Rank Threat group. Someone so powerful that not even Han Dore-Yeong could beat them.

Pure Villain Chapter 56 Quick Info!

Title Pure Villain
Author Puffin
Chapter 56
Release Date June 28, 2023
Where to Read Naver Series

Pure Villain Chapter 56 Release Date and Time!

Chapter 56 of Pure Villain will come out on or around June 28, 2023. In the table below, you can find details about when the Manga will come out. We made the list based on the world’s most important time zones. Check out The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic  and Lost in the Cloud if you want to read something similar.

 Pure Villain Chapter 55 Recap!

After seeing the fake Blackdog, Rosa goes to jail to follow him. Rosa is the real Blackdog, but the fake Blackdog doesn’t seem to know that. The fake Blackdog throws a bomb into the room in an attempt to knock Rosa out. Rosa, on the other hand, was not hurt and went right in for a punch, which sent the fake Blackdog flying through several jail walls.

Pure Villain Chapter 56 Release Date

Rosa starts to feel scared because she thinks she killed the fake Blackdog, but she didn’t. Rosa is pulled close to the fake Blackdog, and a device is put around her neck. Something that stops her from using her skills. Rosa is taken by the fake Blackdog to the top of a crane, where she is left.

Dore-Yeong meets the fake Blackdog while they are both on the ground. He knows he is a fake because he is bigger than the real Blackdog, whose real name is Rosa Park. Another bomb is dropped by the fake Blackdog, but Dore-Yeong is able to get away.

But the blast made the crane weaker, and it’s about to fall over now. Dore-Yeong needs to decide what to do now. Either he can save Rosa or he can catch The Fake Blackdog. He chooses to help Rosa.

Spoilers and predictions for Pure Villain Chapter 56!

The Fake Blackdog seems to have planned everything that happened to get Han Dore-Yeong to let his guard down. We saw Fake Blackdog take something out of his pocket as soon as he turned his back on him.

It looks like a rope, and he might try to choke Dore-Yeong from behind with it. Will he get through this fight without getting hurt? Who will come to Rosa’s rescue? We have so many questions, but all we can do is wait.

Pure Villain Chapter 56 Raw Scans!

As of now, the raw scans for Pure Villain Chapter 56 are not available. We understand that fans are excited to read the latest chapter and find out what happens next. Unfortunately, we don’t have access to the raw scans at the moment.

Pure Villain Chapter 56 Release Date

We are keeping a close eye on any updates, and once the raw scans are released, we will update the article with the latest information. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Where Can I Read Chapter 56 of Pure Villain?

From Pure Villain Chapter 56 Raw is on Naver Series and Naver Comics, and the English translation is on Naver Webtoons. All sites let you read the first 89 chapters of the Manhwa.


In the end, “Pure Villain” is a fascinating manhwa that tells the story of Rosa Parks, a high school girl with special skills and a confusing love story. As the story goes on, Rosa’s look changes, which makes everyone think she’s a monster. When Chapter 56 comes out on June 28, 2023, there will be a fierce battle between the real Blackdog (Rosa) and the fake Blackdog. Stay tuned with Crossover99 for more manga updates.

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