Season 2 of House of the Dragon begins with many significant events. The emotional high point of Season 2 Episode 1 occurs when Alicent Hightower visits the Great Sept of Baelor and places candles in remembrance of three individuals, while Rhaenyra is finally able to hold Lucerys’ funeral.
Alyrie Florent is one of those names, and not everyone is familiar with her. But since Alicent says her name before everyone else’s, it’s obvious that it has meaning for her.
Here is all the information you require about Alyrie Florent, including her background and the reasons behind her significance to Alicent in House of the Dragon.
Alyrie Florent: Who is She?
Alicent sets candles for the deceased in the House of the Dragon season 2 opener, mentioning well-known characters like Lucerys Velaryon and Viserys Targaryen. The first name she listed, though, might have been unclear because it was completely unique to the program and had never been addressed before.
This character’s name was Alerie Florent, and the scene suggests that she was the wife of Otto Hightower and Alicent’s late mother. This choice, which was supported by important plot points from Fire & Blood and House of the Dragon, struck me as a brilliant touch.
For many years, Alicent Hightower’s mother was solely known to be deceased. When Otto came to King Jaehaerys I’s court as the Hand, he brought his wife and kids along, according to Fire & Blood, but she is never mentioned again.
She doesn’t play a significant role in the plot, of course, but family history and ancestry are so important to George R.R. Martin’s world that it’s a great addition to the show. House Florent is a noble house from the Reach, just like the Houses Hightower, Tyrell, and Tarly.
Alicent’s Mother as a Florent Fits Perfectly in Game of Thrones History
The history of House Florent, which is disclosed in The World of Ice & Fire book, is a major factor in why I adore this discovery. House Gardener, the great family that controlled the Reach as a kingdom for thousands of years before Aegon’s Conquest, is closely related to House Florent.
House Gardener sided with House Lannister to protect their respective kingdoms’ independence after Aegon arrived, but both sides were routed in a conflict known as the Field of Fire.
The noble house went extinct as a result of King Mern IX Gardener and all of his heirs being destroyed in the war. Aegon the Conqueror gave House Tyrell the position of governing house in the Reach, as we know from Game of Thrones.
During the Dance of the Dragons, House Tyrell of Highgarden remains the dominant family in the Reach, despite the fact that the ancient House Hightower is more common in House of the Dragon. This brings us full round to Alerie Florent.
The Hightowers had the opportunity to express their position within the Reach.
There was opposition to Aegon’s choice to make Tyrell the dominant house in the Reach, especially from House Florent, who claimed a stronger claim to Highgarden because of their previously acknowledged family ties to House Gardener.
They cried out, but the Tyrells held the upper hand. As a result, I believe that Otto Hightower and Alerie Florent’s marriage has more significance. The Hightowers, who saw themselves as having equal power to the Tyrells, could have been expressing their position in the Reach by forming a marital partnership with the Florents.
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In House of the Dragon, we haven’t seen House Tyrell, and they probably won’t be very important. Nonetheless, it is evident from the show that Otto and the Hightowers believe they are deserving of more than their present position.
The Alerie Florent marriage implies that the two southern families had allied together to make a power move in the Reach, and they have already made a move for the Iron Throne in season 1.
Alicent Paid Tribute to Her Mother in Season 1 of House of the Dragon
House of the Dragon season 1 also supports Alicent’s House Florent ancestry. Prior to this, Alicent frequently wore blue dresses, but we now know that her green garments represented her allegiance to House Hightower, causing the Blacks and Greens to separate.
Alicent virtually personified the House Florent sigil—a fox encircled by blue flowers—with her auburn hair and blue clothing. In hindsight, I love this detail since it depicts her honoring her late mother for years before switching to the green dresses to reflect the escalating tension.
In the House of the Dragon universe, clothing plays a big role, and people frequently express their many ancestries. In Game of Thrones, for instance, Sansa Stark was frequently seen as representing House Tully more than she did Stark, and her clothing frequently reflected this.
Similarly, even though Cersei Lannister’s children were named Baratheon, they frequently donned red. Alicent’s clothing from season one would have been compatible with her Florent ancestry.