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Does Joe West Die in the Flash? What Happens to Him?


The ‘The Flash’ series ended two weeks ago, although it seems they still have an obligation to fulfill. The series concluded unsatisfactorily however still provided memorable moments and people. Joe West was one of the characters whose involvement was important to Barry Allen’s development.

His affection and commitment to Barry following Eobard Thawne’s murder of his mother “shaped” Barry into the individual we encounter in the series, and, simply, he excelled in nurturing his adoptive son. Indeed, similar to several characters in ‘The Flash,’ Joe also perished at a certain juncture in the series. What transpired with him?

Joe West survived the end of ‘The Flash.’ In the ninth season of the series, Joe relocated from Central City with his daughter Jenna as a component of his retirement strategy from CCPD. His partner Cecile remains in Central City to assist Team Flash and pursue her legal career.

In the final episode of ‘The Flash,’ Joe ultimately proposes to Cecile. In the erased timeline, Joe West perished once in the series following Eobard Thawne’s creation through the manipulation of the Negative Still Force. Joe was struck by a train in that timeline.

‘The Flash’ presented numerous narratives from DC comics, with several significant events resulting in the deaths of various characters, including Joe West. Nevertheless, he was resurrected upon the permanent elimination of the Reverse-Flashpoint.

Nonetheless, that entire comic book narrative was “a journey,” yet it did not permanently eliminate Joe West. Let us examine this subject with greater specificity.

Was Joe West Killed Off in ‘The Flash’ Series?

Superheroes need a role model and a competent supporting cast to remain committed to their mission and persist in their endeavors to save the planet. Joe West exemplifies that cliché in the television series ‘The Flash.’

Joe West is a significant character in ‘The Flash’ series since he serves as the paternal figure that Barry Allen lacked in his life. At the outset of the show, we discover Barry Allen’s sorrowful childhood, characterized by the demise of his mother, Nora Allen.

In the year 2000, a peculiar man clad in yellow arrived at Allen’s residence during the night and murdered Barry’s mother. Subsequently, his father, Henry, was charged with the murder of his wife, resulting in a life sentence, while the West family adopted Barry.

Prior to it, the narrative reveals that Joe was wed to Francine, and they had a daughter named Iris; however, his wife’s severe drug addiction undermined their marriage.

After Francine overdosed in their home’s kitchen, thereby endangering young Iris, Joe resolves to admit Francine to a rehabilitation clinic. Nevertheless, the woman evades capture, and Joe informs his daughter that her mother has passed away. Joe was unaware that Francine was expecting another child, fathered by Wally West.

does joe die in the flash

Nonetheless, Joe and Iris persisted in their lives, and the little girl encountered Barry Allen, her classmate, swiftly forming a close friendship. Joe developed a strong bond with Barry’s parents, Henry and Nora Allen, and maintained their close friendship.

However, the situation altered dramatically when Reverse-Flash murdered Nora Allen, leading to Henry being falsely convicted of his wife’s murder, as no one believed that a malevolent speedster could be responsible. Nora Allen was murdered on March 18, 2000, and young Barry was taken to the Central City Police Department. Recognizing his alone, Joe adopts Barry and assumes the role of his guardian.

Barry Allen’s narrative progresses from that point, with Team Flash serving as his primary support network and Joe West as his trusted confidant. With the acquisition of speedy abilities comes significant responsibility, and Barry ultimately comprehends that Eobard Thawne appropriated the name of Harrison Wells and discovers the concept of time travel.

Thawne, an adept in time travel, pledges to traverse the multiverse and eliminate all individuals dear to Barry.

In season eight of the program, Reverse Flash endeavors to torment Barry. The malevolent speedster harnesses the Negative Still Force, an extradimensional energy source that counteracts the Still Force by drawing upon negative emotions.

Its avatar could traverse any chosen location; nevertheless, immobility, negative emotions, and their repetition distinguish it from the Negative Speed Force.

Nonetheless, Eobard Thawne devised his iteration of Flashpoint, renowned as Reverse Flashpoint. In that universe, Thawne usurps Barry Allen’s identity and murders bystanders, inciting public animosity towards him and ultimately transforming into Reverse Flash.

Barry transforms into Reverse-Flash following Thawne’s assassination of young Barry in the Reverse Flashpoint universe and his own self-inflicted lightning strike post-explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs — Thawne assumes the role of Flash, while Barry is perceived as Reverse-Flash by the public.

Thawne eliminates Joe West by employing the Negative Still Force to reverse the chronology, resulting in Joe’s death after the train crash. Joe West’s demise occurs solely once in ‘The Flash’ series.

What Happened to Joe West in ‘The Flash’?

does joe die in the flash

Joe West’s death happened in the Reverse Flashpoint timeline, which was later destroyed by Barry Allen during the Armageddon event. Barry instigated Armageddon to obliterate the erased future, and with Damian Darkh’s assistance, he reinstated the timeline.

With the reinstated chronology, Joe West and the other deceased members of Team Flash were resurrected once more. The Reverse-Flashpoint transpired in the eighth season of the series, and Joe West’s character was marginalized following actor Jesse L. Martin’s decision to depart from his regular role.

Joe consistently held significance for Barry and the West-Allen family, as evidenced by his unwavering support for them in season nine. The commencement of the final season of the sitcom saw Joe West and his partner Cecile deliberating their familial destiny, as they have a little daughter named Jenna.

Following the onset of the Red Death in Central City, Joe’s determination to depart from the city intensified. After Cecile demonstrated her abilities as the Virtue and assisted Team Flash in vanquishing Red Death, Joe reached a compromise: he and Jenna would relocate from Central City, while Cecile would practice law and support Team Flash throughout the week, reserving weekends for her family.

Joe relocated with his family to a suburban area, and following the resolution of the Cobalt Blue threat, he ultimately proposed to his long-term love.

Joe West was an exemplary parent and advocate for his children, undoubtedly deserving the parent of the Year accolade over Iris’ fictional father, William West. The comic book depiction of Iris’ father was cruel towards his children, Iris and Daniel West, whom William incapacitated.

The ‘Flash’ series exhibited shortcomings; yet, Joe’s persona was exemplary, illustrating that superheroes can possess positive parental figures in their lives.

Enjoy the thrilling journey of Joe West in ‘The Flash’ series, highlighting his crucial influence on Barry’s life and his lasting legacy. Understand the complicated timeline and character changes that influenced the series. For additional insights and intriguing information regarding your preferred shows, please visit our website today.

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