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How Did The Movie Prometheus End? Breaking Down the Final Moments


With the 2012 picture Prometheus, celebrated director Ridley Scott made a comeback to the Alien genre a little more than ten years ago. Scott restores the horror element to the franchise and offers an engaging origin tale after a string of action-packed movies, including Alien: Resurrection, David Fincher’s Alien 3, and James Cameron’s Aliens, as well as the Alien vs. Predator spin-offs.

Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, and Guy Pearce are among the other outstanding actors in Prometheus. The tale poses important concerns about the alien species, their origins, and their formation, making this Alien movie a suitable entry.

What is Prometheus About?

Prometheus, which is set in the late 21st century, centers on two archeologists, Elizabeth Shaw (Rapace) and Charlie Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green), who find a celestial map in Scotland that corresponds with other star charts that depict ancient cultures. They are adamant that these maps may identify humanity’s ancestors, whom they refer to as “Engineers.”

The billionaire Peter Weyland (Pearce), his colleague Meredith Vickers (Theron), an android named David (Fassbender), and other geologists, biologists, and crew members of the Prometheus (a spaceship that resembles other large ships used throughout the Alien films) are presented with Shaw and Holloway’s findings.

Nearly everyone doubts Shaw and Holloway, who are in command of the project, because they think the archeologists won’t discover anything important or evolutionary. The crew finds that the air is breathable when they reach a sizable hilly region, so they remove their helmets from their protection suits.

A statue of a humanoid head, a beheaded extraterrestrial corpse thought to be one of the Engineers, and big cylinders filled with a dark liquid are among the other enigmatic pieces of evidence they come across.

The fact that the extraterrestrial body they discovered shares DNA with humans is the most significant revelation Shaw and Holloway discover.

This demonstrates that the Engineers and the alien species they are associated with share many characteristics with humans, which begs the question of why they would later seek to destroy Earth (though maybe to demonstrate that they are predators that must consume their prey and are superior to everyone else, hence the survival of the fittest).

What is The Alien Franchise’s Relation To Prometheus?

how did prometheus end

When it comes to humans fighting terrifying extraterrestrial beings, Prometheus is a lot like the earlier extraterrestrial films. Although franchise star Sigourney Weaver’s Ellen Ripley has more action scenes than Elizabeth Shaw, Shaw exhibits Ripley’s tenacity and resolve to vanquish evil and finish the task at hand.

Both ladies have also experienced dramatic life-or-death situations, such as losing their whole crew and almost dying at the hands of an alien. In a macabre scene, Shaw, who is pregnant, operates on herself to remove an alien kid from her womb (a reference to the original 1979 movie in which John Hurt’s character Kane dies after an extraterrestrial emerges from his stomach).

In terms of intelligence and familiarity with their respective crews and aircraft, Michael Fassbender’s David, an android, is similar to Lance Henriksen’s Bishop in the second film and Ian Holm’s Ash in the first. Nonetheless, David is more like Ash in that they are both cunning villains who lie to their own crew members to gain their admiration for the extraterrestrial animals they come across.

Like Ash, David finds human nature and how his team would respond in perilous circumstances to be fascinating. In addition to his fashionable appearance (inspired by Peter O’Toole’s blonde hair in Lawrence of Arabia) and the meticulous accuracy of HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, David stands out from the other androids due to his desire to have a soul and to be acknowledged.

Janek, played by Idris Elba, is the Prometheus spaceship’s captain. Janek is a leader who is primarily concerned with the safety and well-being of his crew and the ship, much like Tom Skerritt’s Captain Dallas in the original movie.

A crew on a mission to study and/or eliminate aliens has typically been the focus of the Alien franchise, but there is always friction because the humans are unreliable, dysfunctional with one another, and have their own agendas.

Meredith Vickers, played by Charlize Theron, is a suspicious lady in Prometheus who wants total control of the mission because she and Peter Weyland have their own plot involving the Engineers and, like David, want all the limelight. As a dubious agent for the Weyland corporation, Vickers also has some traits with Paul Reiser’s character Carter J. Burke from Aliens.

But unlike Vickers, Burke made an unsuccessful attempt to bring extraterrestrial life to Earth. There are gory death scenes involving the alien species and multiple human characters in this prequel, along with the usage of some pistol blasters and a flamethrower, but it lacks the high-powered action and gunplay of Cameron’s Aliens.

What Happens at the End of Prometheus?

how did prometheus end

After Holloway’s unexpected demise and Shaw’s removal of an extraterrestrial infant from her womb, Peter Weyland directs David to transport him to one of the Engineers at the mountainous building the crew had previously seen. It becomes clear that Weyland wants to ask the Engineers how to live longer and avoid old age-related death.

However, the Engineer beheads David and murders Weyland and his group when David tries to get answers from him by waking him up and conversing with him in the Proto-Indo-European language.

Vickers orders Janek to send the crew home after seeing Weyland die, but Shaw informs the captain that the Engineer plans to use the poisonous dark liquid to attack Earth. Janek and his companions sacrifice themselves by colliding with the Engineer’s spacecraft, destroying both ships, because Prometheus isn’t a battleship.

After the crash, Vickers is killed when she is overturned by a mountainous structure. The Engineer tries to kill Shaw when she gets to the lifeboat that was connected to Prometheus, but she is able to free the alien baby—which has grown in size—from the lifeboat, allowing it to murder the Engineer.

The android agrees to assist Shaw in piloting another Engineer spacecraft once she discovers David’s head and body. Shaw takes David’s body with her on her next adventure because she wants to know where the Engineers reside and why they planned to wipe out humanity.

Prometheus is a prequel that raises more questions than it does answers, but it’s also a good genesis story that shows how the aliens’ DNA is similar to that of humans and where they came from. Intriguing characters are also present, and Ridley Scott returns as director to infuse the franchise with his own unique brand of horror.

With its compelling genesis tale, Prometheus returns the Alien franchise to its frightening roots. The picture, directed by Ridley Scott, offers intriguing mysteries and thrilling science fiction. Do you want to learn more about the Prometheus universe? For additional information and analysis, visit our website!

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