This is a television series that aired on ABC from October 3, 2007, through June 13, 2009, and was developed by Bryan Fuller. While Lee Pace stars as pie-maker Ned, he has an uncanny capacity to bring dead things back to life with a simple touch of his hand.
Ned uses his powers to solve crimes alongside his ex-girlfriend Chuck (Anna Friel), coworker Olive Snook (Kristin Chenoweth), and private eye Emerson Cod (Chi McBride). Aside from Ellen Greene, Swoosie Kurtz, and Field Cate, Jim Dale is the narrator for the film’s cast.
Many honors and accolades were bestowed upon the show as a result of its popularity and critical praise. The series got 17 Primetime Emmy Award nominations, with seven wins, including Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series for Barry Sonnenfeld and Outstanding Supporting Actress for Kristin Chenoweth.
60 shows that were “Cancelled Too Early” by TV Guide were featured in the 2013 list. In Esquire’s “TV Reboot Tournament,” in which fans were invited to vote for the show they would most like to see a return to television, Pushing Daisies came in first place in the year 2015.
Actors and Actresses
Characters from Pushing Daisies (TV series)
the owner of the Pie Hole restaurant, Ned, also known as “The Piemaker,” is played by Lee Pace and has the ability to raise the dead.
Anna Friel portrays Charlotte “Chuck” Charles, Ned’s childhood girlfriend, who was murdered and revived by Ned.
Chi McBride as Ned’s business partner and private investigator Emerson Cod.
As Olive Snook, the waitress at the Pie Hole, Kristin Chenoweth plays Ned’s obsessive and doomed love.
An agoraphobic aunt of Chuck’s is played by Ellen Greene.
An agoraphobic aunt of Chuck’s, Swoosie Kurtz plays Lily Charles in the film (and birth mother).
The series’ narrator is none other than Jim Dale.
In season 2 and season 1, Field Cate portrays Young Ned, a character who emerges in flashbacks.
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How Pushing Daisies Comes to A Close Is Explained
Every now and then, a television program comes along that touches the heart, tickles the funny bone, and inspires viewers to believe in true love. When that show is canceled too soon, it’s all the more devastating.
In addition to Bryan Fuller’s suspense series Hannibal and the first season of American Gods, Bryan Fuller’s new romantic comedy Pushing Daisies is a lovely and offbeat piece of work. An idea that should ring true in a pandemic-stricken world is played out on screen by Lee Pace and Anna Friel as Ned and Charlotte “Chuck” Charles.
It was canceled after just two seasons, but the show’s loyal fan base still hopes that Ned and Chuck’s story will be told in a feature film one day; Fuller feels it would be even better as a musical (via Vanity Fair).
Despite this, Pushing Daisies, like all good things must come to an end. To their credit, the show’s authors tried to offer the audience a sense of hope and optimism near the end of the series.
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