Maricela González is an actress from Colombia who is best known for playing La Felina on La Doa 2. She is also known for her roles on the TV shows “Pasion Prohibida” (2013) and “En Otra Piel,” where she has appeared more than once (2014).
Maricela González is a well-known actress and singer who is better known by her family name, Maricela González. She was born in Pereira, Colombia, on December 8, 1968.
Mexico. Maricela González began working as an actress and singer in 1990 when she was only five years old. Soon, she became more successful at her job in a short amount of time. Because of her job, she was able to influence people and gain a lot of fame. After a while, as she became more important, her career came full circle. Maricela González became well-known for her acting, both in her home country of Mexico and in other places.
Maricela González Net Worth
Maricela, who made between $3 million and $5 million, is worth a total of Maricela made most of her money from selling her Yeezy shoes. She lied about how big her business was over the years, but the money she made from her job was real—enough to make it one of the biggest paydays for a celebrity ever. Her main source of income comes from her success as an actress and singer.
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Her huge net worth is between $5 and $10 million. In addition to having a huge number of followers on social media, actress
Maricela González Biography
Maricela González was born on December 8, 1968, in Colombia. She is a well-known TV actress. Most people know her for her role as La Felina in the TV show El Senor de Los Cielos.
She is also known for her recurring roles in the TV shows En Otra Piel in 2014 and Pasion Prohibida in 2013. According to Astrologers, Maricela González’s zodiac sign is Sagittarius. She was born and raised in Pereira, Colombia, and in October 2018 she posted a picture of herself and her husband on Instagram.
Who is Marisela González dating?
Marisela González doesn’t talk about her personal life or her love life. She should check back often because we will keep adding information about new relationships to this page. Let’s look at Marisela Gonzalez’s ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, and other connections from the past. Marisela González doesn’t like to talk about her marriage and divorce in detail.
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When a person is dating, he or she is actively looking for romantic relationships with different people. When two single celebrities are seen together in public, they are often said to be “dating.” This means that they were seen together in public, but it is not clear if they are just friends, trying out a more intimate relationship, or in a relationship. sentimental.
Maricela González was born in Pereira, Colombia, on December 8, 1968. She is known for her roles on the TV shows “Pasion Prohibida” and “En Otra Piel” Maricela made most of her money from selling her Yeezy shoes. Maricela González was born on December 8, 1968, in Colombia. She is famous for her role as La Felina in the TV show El Senor de Los Cielos. Her net worth is between $5 and $10 million.
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