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Should I Watch Boba Fett First to Understand The Mandalorian Season 3?


Grogu has returned in some way. At least, that’s what many viewers will believe after watching the first episode of The Mandalorian’s third season.

Grogu was off to Jedi training with a creepy de-aged Luke Skywalker when we last left our lone bounty hunter and cub. Mando removed his helmet and braced himself for solitude. We were all moved to tears.

However, at the start of this season, Mando (AKA Din Djarin) and Grogu are reunited, saving people from gigantic monsters, fighting space pirates, and being generally adorable. To an untrained eye, it appears that the dramatic season two finale was Jedi mind-tricked away.

Should I Watch Boba Fett First to Understand The Mandalorian Season 3?

You had to watch the final few episodes of The Book of Boba Fett to get the full story, which also explains why Din is flying a Phantom Menace-era ship and Grogu is becoming a more adept force user.

I’d be confused and annoyed if I wasn’t already a hopeless Star Wars fan. How are regular people supposed to know that The Book of Boba Fett was essentially a filler between Mandalorian seasons?

Disney didn’t do much to promote the connection between the shows, so it was easy to miss if you weren’t reading geeky news sites or talking to nerdy friends.

Should I Watch Boba Fett First?

You had to watch the final few episodes of The Book of Boba Fett to get the full story, which also explains why Din is flying a Phantom Menace-era ship and Grogu is becoming a more adept force user.

The first few episodes of Boba Fett made it appear to be a much less ambitious series – did we really need to know how he survived the Sarlacc pit? And who cares about his potential replacement for Jabba the Hutt?

I’ve spoken with several Star Wars fans who tapped out early on, only to catch up when Mando and Grogu appeared.  I’m not opposed to the idea of narratives shifting between shows and films.

With the rise of the Avengers initiative to the ultimate smackdown with Thanos in Endgame, everything Marvel has done since Iron Man has practically trained us to consume pop culture in this manner.

When I discover connections between films I enjoy, my geeky side rejoices. However, the idea that viewers must keep track of everything is starting to feel like homework, and it’s especially aggravating when one piece of media is inexplicably important to something that comes later.

Should I Watch Boba Fett First to Understand The Mandalorian Season 3?

It didn’t help that The Mandalorian barely mentioned The Book of Boba Fett in its first episode. Even a gentle nudge during the “previously on” opening section would be beneficial.

Instead, the first episode simply wants to return us to normalcy, with Mando embarking on a video game-like quest and Grogu having fun along the way. It’s a shame because the end of Season 2 gave the impression that The Mandalorian would actually change things up in the future.

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