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I Raised A Black Dragon Chapter 82 Spoilers and Release Date: Where to Read It Online!


I Raised A Black Dragon Chapter 82 Release Date: I Raised A Black Dragon is a comic about a fantasy story that you can read in Korean on Kakao Page. Fans from other countries may have to wait until it’s available in English on the main site.

This manhwa is about an actor in Korea named Im Jin Ha. Jin Ha can’t get enough of fantasy books, especially ones with dragons, but he doesn’t tell anyone about this.

Jin Ha only tells Cha Yul Ri about this. Cha Yul Ri is a lawyer who just got her license to practice law and was given a new job. But because he was involved in many things. She is a sensible person, but when strange things happen, she stops being sensible.

First of all, it looks like a dragon took her, and secondly, it can’t be raining inside the house. It’s going on right in front of her eyes. And finally, the person keeps asking her why she loves dragons so much and why she is so obsessed with them.

In this article, we will discuss the I Raised A Black Dragon Chapter 82 Release Date, spoilers, Recap, and where to read. Scroll down and read the complete article if you wish to obtain all information.

I Raised A Black Dragon Chapter 82 Quick Info!

Title I Raised A Black Dragon
Author Kang Gyu-won
Chapter 82
Release Date June 25, 2023
Where to Read Kakao Page

I Raised A Black Dragon Chapter 82 Release Date!

On June 25, 2023, chapter 82 of I Raised a Black Dragon is expected to come out. You can expect it to come out on the following date and time, according to the different time zones:

Japanese Standard Time, JST June 25, 2023 Midnight
Indian Standard Time, IST June 24, 2023 8:30 PM
Central European Time, CET June 25, 2023 04:00 PM
U.S.A, New York June 25, 2023 10:00 AM
Australian Capital Territory, ACT June 25, 2023 01:30 AM
Eastern Indonesian Time, EIT June 25, 2023 Midnight
Singapore Standard Time, SST June 24, 2023 11:00 PM
Pacific Time, PT June 24, 2023 07:00 AM
Eastern European Time, EET June 24, 2023 05:00 PM

I Raised A Black Dragon Chapter 81 Recap!

In the last chapter of I Raised a Black Dragon, Chapter 81, as Yul Ri is giving birth, her husband strangely feels her labor pains. Other people are surprised to see that he has been through something like this, so he chooses to only have one child.

Yul Ri meets someone who needs her advice, and they call her “infamous.” And then that person told her about her old job. After talking, she asks Jin Ha if he has any plans to play again. He hasn’t been on screen in a long time, and she’s a fan.

Yul Ri says she doesn’t know, and they say goodbye. When she gets home, she finds Seowoo and her nanny waiting for her in the living room while Jin Ha takes a call. Yul Ri listens in on his call and finds out that he has been offered roles but has turned them all down.

I Raised A Black Dragon Chapter 82 Release Date

A few years later, when Yeon Woo is grown up and pretty, she looks like both her parents. Yeon Woo goes for a walk with her parents. Since she is wearing a plant, she chooses to make it rain. Seeing how surprised her mother looks, she asks if she isn’t allowed to do it.

Her father tries to make her feel better and tells her not to tell her grandparents. Then, they go to talk to someone about Yeon Woo because she is smart and they are scared about her because she isn’t normal and has special skills like her dad.

I Raised A Black Dragon Chapter 82 Raw Scan!

At the time this piece was written, there were no raw scans for I Raised a Black Dragon Chapter 82. We know how excited you are about the new part and how eager you are to find out what happens next.

But we’re sorry to say that we don’t have access to the raw scans right now. Rest assured that we’re keeping an eye out for any new information, and as soon as the raw scans are ready, we’ll update the piece to give you the most recent details. We thank you for being patient and understanding with this.

I Raised A Black Dragon Chapter 82 Spoilers!

In the next chapter of I Raised a Black Dragon, Chapter 82, Yul Ri and Jin Ha are likely to talk about all the acting jobs that have been offered to them. Most likely, Yul Ri will get him to do it. Yul Ri also wants Jin Ha to come back to the show, so she tells him to do it.

I Raised A Black Dragon Chapter 82 Release Date

Where to Read I Raised A Black Dragon Chapter 82? 

I Raised A Black Dragon’s Chapter 82 will soon be available on the main website. You can read the chapters on its main website, Kakao Page, on the dates and times listed. Check out I Thought It Was a Common Possession and Lost in the Cloud if you want to read something similar.


Chapter 82 of “I Raised a Black Dragon” will come out on June 25, 2023. It will continue the story of star Im Jin Ha and his secret love of dragons. Stay tuned to the official website and Kakao Page for the release of Chapter 82 and enjoy the fascinating world of “I Raised a Black Dragon.” Stay tuned with Crossover99 for more manga updates.

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