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Manager Kim Chapter 102 Release Date, Spoilers, Raw Scans, And Where to Read?


Manager Kim Chapter 102 Release Date: Fans are extremely eager to learn the outcome of the fight between White Tiger Forces and Blue Dragon Errand Center because, up to this point, it has been the most absurd and horrifying fight of the season. Also for this reason, admirers eagerly await the release of the next Manager Kim chapter 102.

In addition to announcing the release date for Manager Kim Chapter 102, we will revisit the previous chapter in order to examine the ongoing combat scene and ensure that no one is missing anything from the story. In addition, we will disclose potential spoilers and a reading guide for the same.

Manager Kim Chapter 102 Release Date And Time!

On September 4, 2023, Manager Kim Chapter 102 is scheduled to be released for admirers to peruse.

Time Zone Time Date
New York 07:00 PM Sunday, September 4, 2023
Pacific Time 04:00 PM Sunday, September 4, 2023
Indian Standard Time 04:30 AM Monday, September 4, 2023
Eastern Indonesian Time 06:00 AM Monday, September 4, 2023
Central European Time 01:00 AM Monday, September 4, 2023
Eastern European Time 01:00 AM Monday, September 4, 2023
Australian Capital Territory 09:00 AM Monday, September 4, 2023
Korean Standard Time 08:00 AM Monday, September 4, 2023
Singapore Standard Time 07:00 AM Monday, September 4, 2023
Japanese Standard Time 08:00 AM Monday, September 4, 2023
Philippines Standard Time 07:00 AM Monday, September 4, 2023

Manager Kim Chapter 102 Spoilers!

When he inquires about the current state of affairs, he discloses that they are preparing for the final war and that Major General Lee Dogyu, who has just arrived in South Korea, and the White Tiger Forces are assembling there; therefore, he should not be concerned and should only concentrate on the children.

Manager Kim Chapter 102 Release Date

Manager Kim Chapter 101 Recap!

Later in the chapter, this character expresses extreme boredom with the ongoing conflict. Although he believes himself to be incredibly powerful, he is not there to combat an Ahjussi; rather, he wishes to join him. He also doubts if he is in his right mind, and the more he considers it, the enraged he becomes.

This individual kicks Jincheol in the torso at one point, and when Jincheol begins to sprint towards him, he takes Jincheol and throws him a considerable distance. In addition, he specifies that he is not there for fun and is seeking a serious conflict, which is why he moves out of his way.

During this time, the Ahjussi from Fight Tiger appears. When asked if he is also there for the bounty, he replies that he is not; rather, they are there to aid Jo Gwingwa’s successor.

Simultaneously, some contact Gwigwan Nim and report that he is calling to update him on the current situation of the children; they have escaped the crisis. They were likely under surveillance, but they are currently safe. In addition, Gwingwan says he was very concerned about them.

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Manager Kim Chapter 102 Raw Scans!

As of now, fans of “Manager Kim” will have to wait a little longer for the excitement of Chapter 102 to unfold. The eagerly anticipated raw scans for this chapter have not been released yet.

Manager Kim Chapter 102 Release Date

Enthusiastic readers and followers of the series are undoubtedly eager to delve into the next installment of the story, but until the raw scans become available, they will need to exercise patience and anticipation. The hidden twists and turns that Chapter 102 may hold remain a mystery, building anticipation and speculation among the fanbase.

Where Can I Read Chapter 102 of Manager Kim?

The impending Manager Kim Chapter 102 will be available on WebToon at the specified times and dates.


In summary, fans of “Manager Kim” are eagerly anticipating the explosive resolution of the White Tiger Forces versus Blue Dragon Errand Center clash in Chapter 102. This pivotal battle has become a season highlight, driving excitement to see what happens next. Scheduled for release on September 4, 2023, Chapter 102 promises to unravel more gripping layers of the story. Stay tuned with Crossover99 for more Manga updates.

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