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How to Resolve No Internet Access Problem in WiFi? Try These Quick Solutions in 2023!


You’re enjoying your favorite website or video game while you settle down to play it when all of a sudden your internet goes out. Nothing works as it should, even though your Wi-Fi indicates that it is connected. This is one of the most frequent issues that people run into while trying to access the internet, and it can be very annoying.

Apart from amusement, what if working from home presents one of the largest obstacles ever—being offline? Fortunately, you can use simple troubleshooting and remedies to identify the problem and perhaps solve it with less resistance.

The first thing you should do if you see that your Wi-Fi is on but you can’t connect to the internet is to reset your modem and router. For optimal results, physically unplug both devices and wait for at least 15 seconds before plugging them back in.

Usually, this easy fix works to fix little internet problems, but occasionally it doesn’t work as intended. If restarting the modem and router doesn’t work, don’t worry—there are plenty of additional methods you can try to get the internet working again.

Resetting devices and considering the modem’s location

Restarting the device that is experiencing internet connectivity difficulties could resolve a possible problem in addition to restarting the router and modem. One of the first things you should do when trying to fix an internet problem is to simply turn off the device in question, be it a smartphone, computer, console, or streaming device like a Roku.

In a similar vein, turning off Wi-Fi for a while could help resolve certain connectivity problems. These three simple fixes, which involve briefly turning off and resuming, ought to solve the most modest internet issues.

Furthermore, moving the modem and router to a different position may help resolve limited connectivity because the modem and router’s location might occasionally affect Wi-Fi connections. Similarly, make sure the antennas on your modem and router are pointing straight up.

While some websites recommend that a device should be able to see a clear line of sight between it and a Wi-Fi access point, there are situations when this isn’t possible, and using a Wi-Fi extender or another device to increase range or reduce signal obstacles may be necessary.

Since a device may identify a Wi-Fi signal but be unable to use it properly, a Wi-Fi extender may help to reestablish connectivity. More technical possibilities are available if none of these methods seem to work.

Soft and Hard Resetting Modems and Routers

how to resolve no internet access problem in wifi

It’s time to employ some strategies that call for some expertise if the aforementioned fixes don’t work. While resetting a device, modem, or router can quickly restore a Wi-Fi connection, there are situations when doing so is necessary because it directly impacts the hardware.

Usually, a reset is carried out using the so-called 30-30-30 approach. This entails holding down the power button for thirty seconds (which will probably cause the device to reboot or turn off), unplugging it and holding down the button for an additional thirty seconds, and then plugging the device back in while holding down the button for an additional thirty seconds.

Most routers and modems will have their cache and other temporary data cleared without having everything wiped. If this isn’t working, refer to your handbook and make sure you are holding down the power button the entire time.

If you’re looking for a more drastic solution, you can factory reset a modem or router by pressing the reset button, which is typically recessed and requires a paper clip or pen to depress. It is crucial to remember that a factory reset will return all of your devices to their original settings, including your Wi-Fi network name, password, and any other network configurations. A hard reset needs to be performed only in the event that no other choices remain.

Clearing Browser and DNS caches

Occasionally, the problem arises from the operating system or browser cache rather than anything hardware-related. A cache usually enables quicker response times, but occasionally it can lead to connectivity problems and needs to be removed.

On Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge, clearing the cache in your browser is a fairly simple process, and each of those sites will show you how to accomplish it. Regularly clearing the cache in your browser might help you resolve connection problems and remove unwanted data.

Additionally, your computer contains a DNS cache that needs to be cleared using the Terminal app on macOS or the Command Prompt on Windows. To access cmd Prompt on Windows, click the Start Menu and type “command.” Use the following commands once it’s open:

Type ipconfig /flushdns. 
Type ipconfig /registerDNS. 
Type ipconfig /release.
Type ipconfig /renew.
Type netsh winsock reset. 

Restart the computer to finish the procedure after entering these commands

On more current macOS versions, type this into Terminal by opening it through Launchpad or Spotlight.

If necessary, check out the commands unique to your version of macOS, as older versions could require slightly different ones. After that, you’ll have to enter your password. It’s good if the Terminal simply returns to the command line; it won’t display a message verifying the command. Check to see if your connection is back after restarting your Mac.

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Contacting Your Internet Service Provider

Of course, your internet service provider might be the problem if none of these fixes work to get Wi-Fi back up and running. Many people would prefer not to hear this since it limits their ability to take action, but there are situations in which there is nothing that a person can do.

Fortunately, the majority of large ISPs have a smartphone app that allows you to report problems in your area or reset the modem and router on their end.

Even so, there are situations when calling an internet provider directly is the best course of action—even if you have an app that provides outage maps. A layperson can only do so much to fix a Wi-Fi connection; in other cases, only a qualified expert can solve the issue.

An ISP may need to get involved in order to reestablish a Wi-Fi connection in some circumstances, whether it be due to a mechanical issue within or outside of a home, or even a need to replace your modem and router.

In the end, there are numerous ways to resolve a Wi-Fi connection issue, and hopefully one of these solutions will resolve the issue.

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