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Bella Hadid Workout And Diet Routine



Bella Hadid has become one of the most sought-after supermodels in the world. Her slim yet toned figure allows her to rock designer dresses on runways across the globe. But, beyond blessed genetics, how does Bella Hadid maintain such a phenomenal physique?

By taking an inside look at Bella Hadid’s diet and workout routine, you’ll discover the exercise forms she leverages along with the healthy foods powering her routine. Understanding the discipline and commitment her lifestyle demands allows you to leverage Bella as inspiration to upgrade your own health, wellness, and body goals.

Bella Hadid’s Workout Routine

Hadid commits to an exercise regimen focused on toning, shaping, and enhancing overall fitness. She works out six mornings a week for up to two hours, putting priority on and breaking a sweat before jumping into her hectic schedule. Her routine incorporates:


Boxing serves as Bella’s go-to workout for conditioning, lower body sculpting, and releasing stress. She’ll spend an hour doing high-intensity rounds utilizing punches, kicks, and movement drills led by a personal trainer. Boxing torches calories while engaging abs and butt muscles.


At least once a week, Bella Hadid does reformer Pilates for an hour with an instructor. The spring resistance machines target smaller stabilizer muscles for balance, posture, and preventing injury. It also elongates the physique.

Outdoor Running

On moderate cardio days, Bella takes to the streets, pounding pavement three to five miles outdoors. She incorporates jogging into her routine weekly, enjoying fresh air while improving lung capacity.

Strength Training

Two or three times a week after cardio, Hadid lifts weights targeting every major muscle group. She focuses on higher rep sets with lighter resistance, targeting muscular tone over bulk. Glutes, legs, and abs take priority during strength training.

This well-rounded regimen keeps the supermodel’s physique camera-ready year-round. She also trains harder ahead of fashion shows or important shoots, amping up daily workouts. It requires immense dedication, even for someone with great genetics.

Diet Supporting Bella’s Lifestyle

Complementing her heavy gym schedule, Bella Hadid adheres to a clean, nutritious diet, avoiding unhealthy eats:

No Alcohol

Hadid abstains from alcohol, realizing booze’s impact on skin and diet sabotage. An occasional glass of whiskey marks the only exception.

Lots of Water

Hydrating well helps bodies function optimally and detox. Bella downs a gallon of water daily, plus electrolyte drinks before and during exercise.

No Coffee

Caffeine aggravates anxiety for the supermodel. She resists coffee’s temptations, enjoying smoothies or juice for morning fuel instead.

High Protein

To repair exercised muscles and satisfy hunger, Bella eats protein-heavy – meat, eggs, nuts, seeds, whey powder supplements, etc.

Plenty Greens

Veggies make up a large portion of meals. Bella loads up salads with spinach and then adds healthy fats like avocado for nutrient absorption.

Limited Sugar

She skips soda, candy, and excess carbs, controlling blood sugar spikes. Complex carbs like oats and sweet potatoes provide smarter energy.

This clean eating approach gives the supermodel balanced, sustainable nutrition that complements her fitness regimen. No fad diets or calorie deprivation exist in Bella Hadid’s routine, allowing her to perform at the top of her industry.

Bella Hadid Diet And Workout Routine Results

Committing to the diet and workout routine above helps Bella consistently achieve results like:

  • Maintains slim physique year-round, keeping weight between 115 to 125 pounds on her 5’9 frame
  • Preserves notably low body fat percentage necessary for runway modeling
  • Retains defined muscle tone through cardio, Pilates, and boxing
  • No fluctuations compromising modeling commitments
  • Sustained natural energy meeting busy schedule demands
  • Clear skin and healthy hair from a nutritious diet
  • No unhealthy habits negatively impact the metabolism
  • Motivation to stay active with enjoyable workout forms

Juggling various exercises while eating clean gives this supermodel the exact results reflecting success. Other benefits beyond mirror improvements include better mental health and focus thanks to endorphins and balanced blood sugar.

Hadid’s diet and workout routine craft the ultimate formula supporting her prolific modeling career. But she also acknowledges splurging on bagels and pizza, occasionally as a reward for working so hard.

Diet & Exercise Takeaways

Examining Bella Hadid’s approach provides an inside look at the commitment level necessary for staying runway-ready. Here are the key fitness takeaways you can incorporate:

  • Prioritize workouts first thing to form a consistent habit
  • Incorporate variety engaging different muscle groups
  • Emphasize recovery via protein intake and rest days
  • Find cardio and strength forms you enjoy
  • Avoid deprivation dieting, which backfires long-term
  • Balance sweets and alcohol carefully as needed

Not everyone needs to exercise six days a week like Bella Hadid’s extreme routine. But adding just 30 minutes of heart-pumping cardio can make huge health gains over time. Use the supermodel’s discipline as workout inspiration to elevate your goals!

Bella Hadid Workout Routine FAQs

Still, have questions regarding the specifics behind Bella Hadid’s world-class workout routine or diet? Check out answers to commonly asked questions:

How long does Bella Hadid work out daily?

She commits 60 to 120 minutes for her daily morning workouts split into boxing Cardio, Pilates, and occasional weight lifting. This helps Bella stay runway-ready year-round.

What muscle groups does Bella focus on most?

Glutes, legs, and core take priority in Bella’s routine. Squats, jump ropes, and ab work get attention during boxing sessions, while reformer Pilates targets lower body balance muscles.

What does Bella Hadid eat before a workout?

She’ll have eggs or oatmeal topped with fruit, giving enough carbs, fat, and protein to fuel tough routines. Post-workout her trainer makes protein smoothies with greens and almond milk for recovery.

Does Bella ever skip workouts due to busy schedule?

Rarely, but yes. She admits to having to cancel trainer sessions when work runs excessively over. But Bella fits in additional cardio like jogging if a formal workout gets missed to prevent losing tone.

What advice does Bella offer those trying to get fit?

Making time to break a sweat every morning changed her body and focus. She preaches consistency with workouts that transform health beyond surface-level aesthetics alone.


Bella Hadid stands today as one of the most recognizable supermodels representing prestige brands across the globe, thanks in part to her dedication to honing her physique. By sticking to her workout routine filled with boxing, Pilates, and light weights coupled with a clean, high-protein diet, Hadid stays runway-ready year-round.

Anyone can take inspiration from her exercise commitment and balanced nutrition approach. Employing even 20% of the effort Bella Hadid invests in going hard daily with workouts and avoiding diet pitfalls yields huge dividends for your health, body composition, and confidence. Use her formula as a gold standard blueprint as you step into your fitness journey.

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