The reality series “Survivor” has gained a huge following since it debuted in 2000. In order to compete for a large monetary reward, the hugely popular show sends a group of contestants to a remote island where they frequently establish alliances and take care of their own requirements for food, water, and shelter.
The show’s thrilling concept, which puts competitors to the test of their physical and mental endurance, has contributed to its strong ratings and popularity throughout more than 40 seasons. “Survivor: Blood vs. Water,” the show’s 27th season, pitted ten couples—a returning contestant and a family member or close friend—against one another.
The courageous competitors in the 27th episode were Kat Edorsson, a castaway from “Survivor: One World,” and her partner, Hayden Moss. They attracted a sizable fan base thanks to their camaraderie and dedication to the tournament.
Ten years have gone by since the two ended their run on the show. Consequently, their followers must be curious to find out how Hayden and Kat’s relationship is doing right now. Now, let’s see what we know!
The Survivor Journey of Hayden and Kat
At the age of 22, Katrina Edorsson, also known as Kat, started her “Survivor” journey on “Survivor: One World,” the reality series’ 24th season that aired in 2012. The youthful and impressionable contestant, who is currently 33 years old and lives in Orlando, Florida, made it through 33 days of the show before being eliminated by vote.
Following his victory in season 12 of the reality series “Big Brother” in 2010, Hayden Moss rose to fame on television. The currently 36-year-old is a Springtown, Texas, native.
A little less than a year had passed since Hayden and Kat first appeared together on “Survivor: Blood vs. Water” in 2013. They met at a reality event, having become acquainted through their own experiences on reality TV.
Because of their comparable TV adventures, they connected strongly with one another, and over time, a deep bond developed between them. Because of their previous responsibilities (jobs and schooling), Hayden and Kat had to live in different places, but they fell in love right away.
Kat was originally scheduled to compete on ‘Survivor: Blood vs. Water’ alongside her cousin. She was permitted to appear alongside Hayden when he, as well as her sister and father, were unable to make it to the performance.
They were split up into teams as soon as they got to the show on Palaui Island in the Philippines. Despite being on the same island, the incredibly in love pair was forced to keep their distance.
Kat and Hayden had a few tactical run-ins with their respective team members during the show. They each had their separate adventures, however on day seventeen of the competition, Kat was eliminated because of a disagreement over strategy regarding the Redemption Island challenge and the Tribe Switch surprise.
Conversely, Hayden was eliminated on day thirty-six. Fans may naturally ask if the couple is still together after they have been off the program for so long, and we have answered that!
Kat and Hayden Have Ended Their Relationship
Despite their intense romantic feelings for one another throughout the show, Kat and Hayden are no longer together. Following the show’s conclusion in 2013, Kat expressed her gratitude for their partnership with Entertainment Tonight by remarking, “We’re incredible.” We are together, and he is the love of my life as well as my best friend.
But when it was revealed that the two had broken up somewhere around June 2014, fans were left feeling let down. It is clear that they moved on from one another and started dating other people even though neither of them made their split official.
Giving love another try, Kat discovered the love of her life in real estate agent Alex Bogumil. On December 25, 2021, the adorable couple announced their engagement after two years of courtship. From his first relationship, Alex had three beautiful lads.
Jax is the dog that belongs to the couple. In addition to serving as a professional mentor for upcoming female leaders, Kat joined AE Concepts in 2017 as a client manager and is currently the vice president of the company.
Conversely, Hayden is romantically involved with Vanessa Jamiison, a phenomenal dancer and recording artist. Hayden started the startup firm Digital Media Inc. in 2013, but since 2017, he has been employed as an account executive at 2Win!, a provider of IT services and consultancy.
It appears that they have both moved on from their romantic connection to one that is stronger and that they have both advanced professionally.
If you’re a “Survivor” fan, visit our website Crossover99 to stay updated on your favorite contestants! Find the most recent details, including relationship updates and inside glimpses, about Kat Edorsson, Hayden Moss, and other reality stars. Take a look at it quickly to make sure you don’t miss the thrill of it!