The anime series ‘Dragon Ball’ is filled with strong and brave characters. The whole series encompasses a multitude of characters hailing from most planets, galaxies, and even universes. Creating a universe of highly powerful beings that possess both malevolent and benevolent qualities.
While distinct universes may contain variations of the same individuals, there exist certain beings that possess omniscience and lack such variations. Incredibly robust are these critters. An exemplary instance is the angels, there are several angles throughout the whole multiverse.
Determine the precise definition of angels and identify the most powerful angel among them.
What Are The Angels in Dragon Ball Super?
As omniscient beings, angels occupy a highly elevated position in the hierarchy of creatures throughout the entire multiverse. Angels are designated to certain deities responsible for the destruction of each universe.
These angels serve as mentors to help the deities comprehend their responsibilities and as personal attendants for them.
There are many angels, and they have amazing immortality. Except for Zeno, who possesses the ability to eliminate anybody, no other angel is impervious to death, regardless of their strength. Demise of angels is contingent upon their transgression of a regulation outlined in the angel code.
Angels’ laws are few, but the ones that do exist are exceedingly stringent and must be adhered to by all.
Angels must exhibit neutrality and impartiality. They are incapable of providing assistance or seeking assistance, even in the event of their universe being destroyed. Each angel collaborates with their respective deities of destruction.
When a deity of destruction passes away, the angel designated to them will enter a state of dormancy until a successor is located.
Although all the angels possess remarkable strength, there exists one who stands out as the most formidable. Let us determine.
Who is the Strongest Angel?
The Grand Priest is the most formidable angel in the whole cosmos of the ‘Dragon Ball’ anime series. He serves as the attendant and personal counsellor to Zeno, the preeminent entity in the multiverse.
In his capacity as the first of his kind, the Grand Priest possesses the authority to independently implement the heavenly decision of Zeno and the angel law.
Per the inherent characteristics of Angels, the Grand Priest possesses complete immortality. Only if he violates a law can he be executed, and in such instance, he will be promptly slain.
In terms of physical appearance, the Grand Priest is a tiny celestial being with pale blue skin and polished silver hair. Although his stature is far shorter than that of other angels, he exudes an air of superiority.
He possesses a halo that hovers behind him instead of being positioned around his neck, unlike the other angels.
The Grand Priest possesses immense power and may employ divination to ascertain precise events occurred in the multiverse. This attribute renders him one of the most formidable characters in the film ‘Dragon Ball’ and the fiercest angel.
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